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Featured Découvrir l'OMD

Durée: 30 min.

Featured Discover the WCO

Duration: 30 min.

KACT 2023 Video Lecture - Customs Valuation: Royalties and Licence fees

1 hour

KACT 2023 Video Lecture - Green Customs and the Circular Economy: A Trade Facilitation Perspective

0.5 hours

Analyse de données – Avancé (Analyse de Données d'Images)


Risk Management: Internal Risk

45 minutes

Risk Management: Advanced

2 hours

Risk Management: Introduction and Principles

1 hour

نزاهة منظمة الجمارك العالمية (INT)

2 hours

Génération de Données Synthétiques (Analyse de Données - Avancé)


Synthetic Data Generation (Data Analytics - Advanced)


Data Analytics – Advanced (Image Data Analysis)


Integridad en las Aduanas

2 horas

Введение в Базельскую, Роттердамскую и Стокгольмскую конвенции (BRS)

4 hours

Integrity in Customs

2 hours

The Chemical Weapons Convention


WCO Introduction to Change Management

2 hours

إتفاقية منظمة التجارة العالمية بشأن تيسير التجارة (TFA)

8 hours

Vietnam Customs Container Controls Training

1 hour

Соглашение ВТО об упрощении процедур торговли

8 часов